Custom Manufacturing
GAC has the space, the infrastructure, the resources, the equipment, the logistics capabilities, and the energy sources to be your custom chemical manufacturing site for New England and the Maritime Provinces of Canada.
GAC is well situated on 150 acres, with approximately 100 acres available for development, along the mid-coast of Maine.

Key Characteristics and Assets
- The main line for the Central Maine & Quebec RR traverses our property terminating nearby. The RR services GAC daily.
- GAC has its own fleet of tank trucks, flatbeds, and vans with employee drivers operating 24/7.
- GAC Chemical is properly licensed by the State of Maine and Federal agencies as appropriate for industrial operations, chemical manufacturing and storage.
- GAC’s site has been designated a Pine Tree Development Zone by the State of Maine. Pine Tree Zones are regional defined areas that provide direct financial incentives to new private investments.
- Our site receives ample 3 Phase electrical service via Central Maine Power. The on-site boilers provide steam for process and building heat.
- The workforce includes capable operators and maintenance personnel for your custom manufacturing needs. Additionally, there is a wealth of skilled labor available within a 30 mile radius.
- GAC has the potential to receive and store ocean going bulk shipments of liquid chemicals. GAC owns a docking dolphin located about one mile off-shore.
- Ocean going liquid and dry goods (bulk and packaged) are received within 2 miles from our site at Mack Point with deliveries to the GAC site by rail or truck.
For more information, contact us!